Cozy Winter Ambience | Blizzard, Heavy Snowstorm, Wind Sounds and Fireplace for Relaxation

New Bliss

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2,599 views since Nov 26, 2023

The fire is chomping on the firewood, the embers of the flame dancing in its stone hearth. The sparks try to leave the nests, by riding the heatwave but fall short on the Andalusian style rug. If they tried a little harder, they would reach the large armchair with a stool next to it. On top of the stool lays a tray of birch, carrying a plate of crackers,nutty cheeses, green grapes and slices of apples. With a cup of hot chocolate to accommodate the bitter tastes with sweetness. Further away, beyond the cozy furniture, is a chandelier of candles hanging from the middle of the roof. The candles only spread their brightness within the small circle, barely reaching the bed below the window. The cold and warm feeling of lying under the pleasant bed covers while staring outside the frosty glass panes. To take in the blizzard wailing outside, snow and wind bending the spruce trees.
You make yourself comfortable and begin to drift off in the tranquil sleep ambience of a mountain lodge.

Hope you enjoy it!

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► Preparation of this Ambience:

All of New Bliss content including the Scenario, Animation and Audio are completely original resulting in weeks of preparation and work.
At first stage, this ambience was made in 3D, after that painted and animated on Adobe After Effects.
The soundscape, created apart is added on the final rendering.
This is a 3d mock-up of the occlusion pass scene that I´m showing you, before the painting and animation:

Software used:
- Blender 3D
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe After Effects
- Da Vinci Resolve

Interested to see all the creating process?
► Check out and see how I make my videos:
   • How I make my videos [3D Concept + Ph...  


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Many thanks to everyone for listening and for leaving your comment.

If you want to make suggestions please feel free to do so in the comments

After Effects, Artwork and Animations by New Bliss ©

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