China's Industrial Titans-Large Scale PCB board factory

Factory Industry

974 Subscribers

111,011 views since Nov 26, 2023

Uncover PCB board factory segmentation technology and engineering, taking you deep into the entire process of large-scale PCB manufacturing.

We'll witness the intricacies of precision machining and the operation of automated assembly lines inside PCB manufacturing facilities, shedding light on the technology and engineering behind large-scale PCB production.

Delve into the latest trends in PCB manufacturing plant engineering.
Understand the massive scale of PCB production in Chinese factories.

Any questions or want to learn more? Please fill out our inquiry form:

0:00 Beginning
00:40 Board Cutting
01:11 Deburr
01:31 Drilling
02:23 Electroless Copper Deposition
03:41 Copper Plate Making
04:38 Outer Layers and lmage Develop
06:09 Inner Layer Etch
07:03 Solder Mask
07:32 LF-HASL
08:07 Routing
08:21 E-testing
09:32 Packing

Music: from Uplifting Ambient Music

#PCBboardfactory #PCBmanufacturingindustry #ChinaLargeScale #LargeScalePCB #PCBmake #PCBenginering #pcbdiy #importfromchina



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