These are some of the largest land vehicles in the world. Bigger than multiple stacked double-decker buses and heavier than multiple full jumbo jets. Man-made machinery is essential for construction and many other aspects of the modern world, however, what happens when humans push the limits of engineering?
Special thanks to:
Benediktas Vanagas - / vanagaschannel
Conequip Parts - / conequipparts
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center - / nasakennedy
Mega Machines Channel - / megamachineschannel
Reel Truth Science Documentaries - / @banijayscience
Liebherr Group - / liebherrgroup
Cat Used - / @catused4153
Awesome Earthmovers - / awesomeearthmovers
Business Insider - / businessinsider
Torma7505 - / torma7505
Kikki’s Workshop - / kikkisworkshop
Quest TV - / ukquesttv
Komatsu - / komatsumining
Colorado School of Mining - / coloschoolofmines
Belaz - / belazjsc
Bennett Shovel - / bennettshovel
Free Documentary - / freedocumentary
All footage used with permission or under fair use; if you see footage within the video which you own and would like credit, please contact us on [email protected]. Thanks!
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