Aloha with a Twist!! This Creative slow yoga flow is sure to wake up your spine and bring awareness to your own needs when it comes to spinal health and wellbeing. This yoga class focuses on the spine but it also brings in elements of hip opening and strength and stability with poses that challenge our balance. Twists stimulate digestion, open and relax the chest, shoulders and all the back muscles. Twists also bring circulation along the spine and creates compression and decompression of the vertebrae that allow for movement of soft tissue and stimulates organs near the spine. It is highly recommended you speak to your doctor if you already have spinal disc injuries, SI joint issues, severe digestive issues or any health issues that could exacerbate your conditions. This yoga class focuses especially on the thoracic spine, but also touches on the lumbar spine and cervical spine. In this yoga class, we explore poses that include Childs' pose, cat cow, bird dog, puppy pose with thread the needle arms, scorpion flow, down dog with twists, low lunge twists, half splits, high lunge twists, extended side angle, chair pose with twists, back bends, supine twists, supine butterfly and more. Find your safe space, and join me as I guide you into a yummy practice.
So much Love,
If interested in private yoga classes either online or in person, please get in touch: [email protected]
Checkout my instagram profile:
/ aloha_nathie_yoga
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Aloha Nathie Yoga Disclaimer:
Please consult your physician before taking on any new fitness program. In participating in this exercise program, you agree that you are doing so at your own risk. You should understand that when participating in any exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. Please be mindful and listen to your own body. In voluntarily participating in these exercises, you assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Aloha Nathie Yoga from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Aloha Nathie Yoga's negligence.
0:00 Intro
0:33 Breathwork
3:21 Childs' Pose and Side Stretch
7:00 Cat Cow Pose
9:10 Bird Dog & Side Plank Variations
20:50 Puppy Pose and Thread The Needle arms
23:55 Down Dog and Twist
27:00 Sphinx and Scorpion Pose Flow
32:20 Childs' Pose
32:50 Low Lunge Twist Flow and Half Splits
41:34 Downward Facing Dog
41:53 High lunge twist & Extended Side Angle
45:02 Forward Fold
45:46 Chair Pose Twist Flow
48:17 Upward Salute
48:26 Cactus Arms
48:55 Back Bend
50:00 Supine Poses
56:25 Shavasana