The film is based on the scam practiced by some families in Uttar Pradesh, where the boys families deceive the girls families, in case the boy is not good looking or has a dosh ( fault ) in his kundali. They hire a ‘proxy’ groom who participates in all the rituals at the wedding and when the girl reaches her in-laws house she is shocked to find herself in this dilemma. Baankey Sharma, a goofy, hyper boy-man is desperate to get married. He is in his mid 30’s and cannot get married due to a 'dosh' in his kundali. His wily chacha Kanhaiya Lal, a shrewd moneylender, and his friend, Lallan Bhaiyya, a village goon, then concoct a plan wherein they get a proxy groom for him. The proxy groom, Rajesh is thrilled to land up with this project where he is promised a lakh of rupees, to be a proxy groom for two days. On the day the baraat is about to board the bus, Rajesh does not show up. A commotion ensues when the driver of the bus (Bus Owner’s Son) agrees to do the Proxy!!
Director: Aijaz Khan
Producer: Anita Mani
Cast: Sanjay Mishra, Vijay Raaz, Rakesh Bedi, Raajpal Yadav,
Satyajeet Dubey, Tia Bajpai, Pankaj Jha and Anil Mange
Music on: T-Series
Theater Partner: PVR Pictures
Facebook: / baankeykicrazybaraat
Disclaimer: The film is meant for entertainment purposes only and we do not intend to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community, sect or religion. This film is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
The film is generated by shooting and computer graphics and no cruelty had been inflicted on the animal during the process of shooting.