This is a quick explainer of all the basic information you need to know about the International Court of Justice and the Genocide Convention in order to meaningfully follow the petition South Africa has made to the ICJ regarding Israel's military operations in Gaza since October 7, 2023.
Lawyers to follow on Twitter (currently known as X):
Michael Sfard @sfardm
Molly Quell @MollyQuell
Maria Aristodemou @maariaris
Adil Haque @AdHaque110
Juliette McIntyre @Juliettemm
Holger Hestermeyer @hhesterm
Rob Howse @HowseRob
Rachel E Lopez @RachelELopez
Mike Becker @mabecker17
Aeyal Gross @AeyalGross
Oona Hathaway @Oonahathway
I learnt pretty much everything I stated in this video from reading their threads, articles, and listening to podcasts where they were guests.
The Gambia v. Myanmar, Provisional Measures, Order of 23 January 2020
Ukraine v. Russian Federation, Provisional Measures, Order of 16 March 2022
More to come, I'll update in the morning sorry
0:00 - 0:40 Introduction
0:40 - 3:17 What is the ICJ?
3:17 - 8:00 What is the Genocide Convention?
8:00 - 9:27 Previous Genocide Convention Cases at the ICJ
9:27 - 12:15 When will a decision be reached?
12:15 - 15:51 What provisional measures are being asked for?
15:51 - 17:39 Who are the Judges?
17:39 - 23:01 What are the key points in South Africa's petition?
23:01 - 25:50 How will Israel respond?
25:50 - 26:06 Conclusion
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