The End of the War in Colour | Part 4: Unconditional Surrender | Free Documentary History

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The End of the War in Colour - Part 4: Unconditional Surrender | History Documentary

Watch 'The End of the War in Colour - Part 5' here:    • The End of the War in Colour | Part 5...  

On 6 May 1945, Major Kirke B. Lawton received special permission for a special ceremony: at the Allied headquarters in Reims, the Wehrmacht signed the unconditional surrender on all fronts. The Second World War in Europe ended two days later. In London, people celebrate in the streets - just like in the Netherlands and Czechoslovakia. In Augsburg, a team from "Special Film Project 186" films the defeated, among them Hitler's second in command, Hermann Göring.

When US troops conquer Nazi Germany from the West in March 1945, camera teams follow them, documenting the defeated and occupied country. The special feature: they shoot in 16mm color. The result is unique film footage of the destroyed cities and their inhabitants, but also depressing images of the victims of terror and the policy of extermination.


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