In a recent episode of "The Apprentice: Presidential Edition," Donald Trump, our beloved former president and star of the show, turned a Fox News town hall into a guessing game extravaganza.
When asked by Martha MacCallum about his choice for VP, Trump teased, "I know who it’s going to be," sparking a frenzy of speculation and a flurry of bets in Republican circles.
Bret Baier, ever the inquisitive one, nudged for a hint, but Trump, in his usual showman style, dangled the carrot: "We’ll do another show sometime." The audience's anticipation could have powered a small city!
In a plot twist worthy of a daytime soap, Trump hinted at reconciling with former rivals. "Oh, sure. I will. I’ve already started like Christie, better," he quipped, just as Christie had conveniently bowed out of the race. MacCallum, seizing the comedic gold, joked, "Christie for vice president?" To which Trump, ever the master of suspense, responded, "I don’t see it. That would be an upset."