An Amusing "Discussion" With Jesse Lee Peterson

Professor Dave Explains

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Jesse Lee Peterson is an evangelist, commentator, and all-around bizarre person. He and I exchanged some words regarding racism, politics, and psychology, and hilarity ensued. As a disclaimer, there is no educational merit to this exchange whatsoever. This is 90 minutes of Jesse saying the dumbest things imaginable, and me mocking him relentlessly in response. Only watch this if that sounds entertaining to you.

Note: I turned off comments because I got tired of spending 1-2 hours a day explaining basic logic to ignorant bigots. If you were planning to drop a comment on another video, or message me on some other platform, please first read the following:
1) Out of wedlock does not mean single. You don't have be married to raise children together, and in fact, black couples disproportionately don't marry. Out of wedlock does not equal single parent. Read that sentence as many times as you need to in order to get it into your skull. Jesse misrepresented the statistic, and then piled other claims on top regarding crime and drug use with no basis. He was wrong. Let me repeat. He was wrong.
2) Jesse's ancestors were indeed slaves. He was lying. He is a liar. Google it.
3) The history of slavery is irrelevant, so stop acting like you're a history scholar. It doesn't matter if there were times that slavery wasn't racist. When one race enslaves another race, it's racist.
4) If you were planning on saying nothing but spewing Jesse's catch phrases, congratulations, you are among the dumbest people alive.

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