This is the story of Alonna Gallon, a 24-year-old mother whose life was abruptly cut short in a devastating incident at a Toyota dealership in Albany, California. One day while Alonna was at work, the father of her child walked up to her and shot her at point blank range in front of her coworkers. Alonna was a dedicated worker at the dealership's service department, a caring soul, and a loving mother to her 7-year-old son. Tragically, the circumstances surrounding her death left her son orphaned and the community reeling. Why did this happen and how could her child’s father leave their son without any of his parents? Welcome to our channel. Subscribe and hit the bell icon for more stories.
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Channel Disclaimer: This video is to bring awareness to the victim’s story and meant to cause no harm. Please pray for the friends and the family of the victim. All information contained in the video is public knowledge and gathered from various news sources.
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