How to get back to sleep | Explained by a sleep expert

Sleepyhead Program

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5,126 views since Nov 26, 2023

If you wake up in the night and that happens over and over again, it means you have a type of insomnia. This requires consistent behavioural change to prevent you from waking up.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep it means you need to find ways to avoid your brain from associating the bedroom with awakeness.

You need to leave the bedroom. You’re awake, and you can’t just get back to sleep by willing it to happen.

Leave the bedroom, leave your anxieties, stress and anything similar outside the bedroom – that’s really important!

The more time you spend awake the more sleep drive you’re going to build. Spend some time distracting yourself from any worries or anxieties by doing something you enjoy. Not any chores or work. Just things you really enjoy - perhaps, carry on with your evening activities until you feel sleepy again and then go back to bed.

00:00 - If you often wake up in the night it's probably a more complicated problem
00:30 - Why it's important to prevent the bedroom to be associated with being awake
00:53 - What to do to if you wake up in the night
01:08 - What happens if you stay awake for longer
01:42 - What happens if you start to become anxious and worried
02:05 - What you will notice if you follow a regular sleep routine



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