This routine of #strengtheningexercises, using only our bodyweight, is offered in segments for specific muscle groups. The whole routine is broken down in four parts that I recommend to do in the suggested order, though the last two segments can be combined into a routine that works for each one of us. In this one we focus on developing #stronglegs , a #stablespine & trunk.
All we need is a mat, a wall and a bit of space around the body.
Each exercise can be done between 10 to 40 times, progressing with more repetitions as we build up strength over time. It should feel good and be fun, so no need to push it.
Results appear over time, especially if you do this routine anywhere between 2 to 4 times a week, with at least a day of rest in between.
Enjoy and let me know how it feels over the course of a few days or weeks by leaving a comment !
And check out my website for in studio and online classes combining various body and movement practice for overall health: