Meiji Shrine, located in Shibuya, Tokyo, is a renowned Japanese shrine with deep connections to the Japanese imperial family. It is a popular venue for couples seeking a special place to hold a Japanese-style wedding, where the beauty of Japanese tradition and culture is deeply rooted and celebrated.
Background of Meiji Shrine:
Established in 1915, Meiji Shrine is dedicated to the spirits of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, making it a sacred place of historical and cultural significance. Its vast precincts are surrounded by natural beauty, creating a serene atmosphere that makes it a popular choice for events steeped in tradition and respect for Japan's history.
Features of a Japanese-Style Wedding at Meiji Shrine:
A wedding at Meiji Shrine incorporates elements of traditional Japanese weddings, resulting in a ceremony deeply rooted in Japanese culture. Here are some key features:
Shinto Ceremony: The wedding ceremony at Meiji Shrine begins with a Shinto ritual known as "Shinzen Shiki." The couple receives blessings from a Shinto priest in front of the shrine's deity, making it a sacred and traditional moment.
Traditional Attire: The bride and groom typically wear traditional Japanese attire, with the bride often wearing a white kimono called "shiro-muku" and the groom donning a formal black kimono. These garments hold significant cultural importance in Japanese weddings.
Three Rings: Instead of traditional wedding rings, a symbol called the "sange no wa" or "threefold cord" is used to symbolize the bond between the couple and the divine.
Shrine Blessings: A Shinto priest recites prayers and blessings during the ceremony, asking for divine favor and happiness for the newlyweds. This moment of prayer is a significant part of the ceremony.
Sake Sharing: The wedding concludes with a ritual where the bride and groom share sake as a symbol of their commitment and their journey together into a shared future.
Arrangements for a Wedding at Meiji Shrine:
To have a wedding at Meiji Shrine, several steps must be followed:
Advance Reservation: Couples must contact the shrine to reserve their desired wedding date. Popular dates tend to fill up quickly, so planning ahead is crucial.
Follow Shrine Guidance: Meiji Shrine provides guidance on the ceremony's rituals and attire. Adhering to these guidelines is key to ensuring a smooth and respectful ceremony.
Preparation and Care: On the wedding day, the bride and groom bring their attire, accessories, and the sange no wa, following the shrine's instructions. Additionally, preparing hospitality for guests is important.
The Emotional and Significance of a Meiji Shrine Wedding:
A wedding at Meiji Shrine is a wonderful occasion for couples to celebrate their union while respecting and embracing Japanese traditions and culture. It provides a unique opportunity for couples, their families, and friends to share a special moment in the beautiful setting of the shrine, taking significant steps toward a happy future together.
In conclusion, a Japanese-style wedding at Meiji Shrine is a special ceremony that honors tradition and celebrates the sacredness of the location. This shrine wedding becomes a lifelong memory for the couple, offering a beautiful experience deeply rooted in Japanese culture.