Leo and Tig - The Best Runner 👟 Cartoon for kids Kedoo Toons TV

Kedoo Toons TV - Funny Animations for Kids

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NEW Leo and Tig Episode - The Best Runner 👟 (Episode 39) Enjoy funny 3D animated cartoon for kids and toddlers. Subscribe and watch more new cartoons ► https://goo.gl/TMOrij on Kedoo Toons TV - Funny Animation for Kids

🐯 Tired with the scorching heat, the friends want to satisfy their thirst near a lake. But suddenly a leopard named Cheat appears. He announces himself the master of the lake and suggests that the little ones run a race with him. The friends agree so that all inhabitants of Africa could freely drink from the lake. After learning that leopards are quick, but not very hardy, the friends propose a long-distance “champion race”. Cheat chooses Cuba as his rival and the competition begins. The martens with Tasman also decide to participate so as to appropriate the lake. They put traps for the runners, in which they fall themselves. As a result, the persistent Cuba, unlike the boastful Cheat, does not waste energy on bragging and comes in first. The lake now belongs to all inhabitants of Africa.

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