00:00 - Cooking starts within a second! The pretty owner remembers the orders of over 100 regular guests!
• 岡山)超絶カツ丼ラッシュ!入店0秒で調理開始。常連100人以上の注文品を全...
41:39 - Amazing service for a JPY 350 udon restaurant in Japan! Popular among working men!
• 岡山)働く男達を支える350円爆売れうどん屋の衝撃サービスがヤバ過ぎた丨T...
1:19:37 - Making 120 servings of udon from 8AM! A skillful udon chef in Okayama!
• 常連が殺到する爆売れうどん屋の常識をぶっ壊す腹パン定食がヤバ過ぎた丨Tem...
1:55:25 - Best Selling Udon Restaurant in the Middle of Nowhere! Amazing Udon in the Mountains!
• 超絶天ぷらラッシュ!!ポツンと爆売れうどん屋ドライブインに密着丨Tempu...
2:41:48 - Nonstop tempura frying! Many working men come here! Soul Food at the Udon Shop
• 30秒高速提供セルフサービスうどん屋の爆売れソウルフードが凄い丨Tempu...