Hello everyone. I made a Pearl Dutch Pour with Australian Floetrol a while ago and I was asked if this technique also works with white glue. So I tried it. To be honest, I don't like the result that much because the Pearl Brown from Arteza swallowed up almost all the other colors, but the technique worked and that's why I wanted to show it to you anyway.
colors I used:
Amsterdam sky blue light
Amsterdam permanent blue violet
Arteza pearl deep brown
Amsterdam Naples yellow light
Amsterdam Bronze
DecoArt Satin Enamels Seaside blue mixed with Amsterdam Naples yellow light 1:1 (Pearl mix)
All paints are mixed with Artist Junior white glue, ratio 1:1
Please excuse the shadows in the video. The sun was already very low. In winter it sets earlier and sometimes puts me under time pressure.
Here you can find my artwork for sale: https://jhenjesfluidart.etsy.com
Folow me on instagram: / j.henjesfluidart