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NET Ministries (Travel and share the Gospel!):
NET Ireland:
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Companions of the Cross:
The Military Ordinariate of Canada:
0:00 Start
3:27 Voracious hunger for the scriptures (and Evangelii Nuntiandi)
6:25 Divine revelation (and Fr. Bob Bedard)
7:11 NET ministries
16:28 Lectio divina
28:19 Dispensationalism (extraordinary charisms)
31:19 Three schemas (and the role of the laity)
45:52 Renewal period are messy (the Spirit blows where He wills)
57:32 The reform of the liturgy (and finding our security in the person of Jesus)
1:10:45 Catechesis rooted in divine revelation (and scandal)
1:12:19 Matthew 16:18 (and study the lives of the saints, be the lightening)
1:19:56 Prayer
1:21:27 How he became bishop
1:34:16 Relics
1:42:56-1:47:57 Break (and announcements)
1:42:02 Coat of arms (green hat for bishop, red hat for cardinal)
1:51:09 Love for Blessed Virgin Mary (and rosary)
2:03:52 Kecharitomene
2:05:56 Worldliness, culture and divine glory (Start of Q&A)
2:11:22 German synod
2:15:32 Overturning of Roe
2:20:43 How can the laity love their bishop
2:32:21 Worthy reception of Eucharistic
2:25:08 Blindspots
2:28:10 In vitro fertilisation (and Evangelisation kerygma)
2:34:50 Common priesthood (and family)
2:39:50 Era of faith vs Era of will (and Fratelli tutti and Dignitatis humanae)
2:47:35 Military (and motorcycles)