Releasing my first crowd-work stand-up comedy video from a recent show in Chennai. Crowd-work is a format in stand-up comedy where everything is unscripted and derived purely from live interactions with the audience.
Currently touring with my Crowd-Work show alongside Nirmal Pillai. Tickets and details of the tour -
Follow me on Instagram:
Live Tour Managers- Ajay Samson, Swetha Segar and Tanya Bhatnagar
Venue and Lighting - Medai, Chennai & B Charles (
Videography and Sound - Off Beat Studios (
Edited by- Bhavish ( / iam_bhavishk )
Audio Editing and Mixing - Balaji Gopinath (
Once again a hearty thanks to the entire family for being so sporting and giving consent to use the footage. Nothing like supportive audience, you guys are the best!
Don't forget to hit the LIKE button (It actually helps a lot), comment and share the video with your friends. Enjoy Life and Koothadichify