Full Title: President Reagan's Photo Opportunities on September 30-October 2, 1987. President Reagan Meeting with President's Commission on Privatization in Cabinet Room on September 30, 1987, President Reagan Meeting with Senators Robert Dole, Alan Simpson and Strom Thurmond in Oval Office, President Reagan Meeting with CEO's Regarding Robert Bork Nomination in Cabinet Room on October 1, 1987, President Reagan Meeting with Senator Robert Stafford of Vermont on Robert Bork in Oval Office, President Reagan Meeting with Senator Dennis DeConcini of Arizona on Robert Bork in Oval Office, President Reagan Meeting with Senator J. James Exon of Nebraska on Robert Bork in Oval Office, President Reagan Meeting with Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania on Robert Bork in Oval Office on October 2, 1987
Creator(s): President (1981-1989 : Reagan). White House Television Office. 1/20/1981-1/20/1989 (Most Recent)
Series: Video Recordings, 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989
Collection: Records of the White House Television Office (WHTV) (Reagan Administration), 1/20/1981 - 1/20/1989
Transcript: N/A
Production Date: 9/30-10/2/1987
Access Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Use Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Contact(s): Ronald Reagan Library (LP-RR), 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93065-0600
Phone: 800-410-8354, Fax: 805-577-4074, Email: [email protected]
National Archives Identifier:77443490