A film adaptation of horror writer Yumei Hirayama's collection of ghost stories, "'Super' Scary Stories," which he wrote based on actual psychological experiences of terror. This omnibus film consists of three stories: the first, "Dried gourd," about a woman who goes camping in the mountains and is attacked by someone in the middle of the night; the second, "Educational internship," about a student who is attacked by the ghosts of a parent and child at school after school; and the third, "Ruins," about a woman with a strong psychic sense who is terrorized by an abandoned building that she says is haunted. The first episode stars Mika Hijii, the second episode Kasu Ogino (ex-Yumemiru Adolescence), and the third episode Ai Nishina. Directed by Chiba Seiji.
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Director(監督) : 千葉誠治(Seiji Chiba)
Seiji Chiba Official Twitter / seijichibaavn
(千葉誠治 公式SNS)
(Please send a direct message to Seiji Chiba below on Twitter to contact north cky inc. about job.)
/ seijichibaavn
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