閱讀理解比想像中困難。回答問題亦好多時會用錯詞類和用錯文法。呢條影片會教你有啲乜嘢要注意,希望大家唔好失咗不必要失嘅分數。仲有,我亦都會教大家如何有效率地應付reading呢一part,因為time management非常重要。加油吧!
Reading comprehension is often more challenging than it seems. Students have a tendency to answer using the wrong part of speech or improper grammar. This video will teach you what you should pay closer attention to so you don’t lose the “easy points” . Moreover, it’ll teach you how to be more efficient while taking this part of the exam. Hang in there!
• English SOS: 實用英語教室
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